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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer evening parking permits perfect for residents and employees that work near our parking facilities. Click the link for more information. 

To learn more about our parking management initiative ParkBethlehem, click the link here, ParkBethlehem

General Parking Questions or Concerns

Is the BPA available 24/7 for parking issues?

Yes, we have “HELP” buttons located at the exits of our garages. This will connect the driver to two-way video conferencing for assistance. The office closes at 4pm; however, the non-emergency Police number may be used in an emergency to dispatch BPA.

You can email us: at, or chat with us or call during business hours.

What ordinances govern parking and parking enforcement?

You can find more information about the City of Bethlehem’s parking and enforcement ordinances here, or by searching online for The City of Bethlehem ordinances.

How can I access BPA news and information?

You can go to our News Page, or follow us on Instagram! @thebethlehemparkingauthority

What is the BPA’s Mission Statement?

Please click here for our About page.

Where can I go to read about the BPA’s Sustainability Initiatives?

Go to our website here,

Parking Enforcement

What are the fines for on-street ticketing?

Fines range from $15 to $100, depending on the violation. Fines are set by City of Bethlehem ordinance and can be viewed here. Meter fine information can be viewed here.

How does a Parking Enforcement Officer know when and where to enforce parking?

Parking enforcement officers (PEOs) follow set routes and typically pass through Business Districts, RPP Zones, and general areas several times during each shift. The time that the PEO patrols a specific route may change each day. PEOs use a handheld device that tells them if the vehicle has paid for their parking session or not. They also utilize license plate reader technology to check for valid parking permits. The PEO does not know how long it has been since the time expired on the space – it could be one minute or longer.

How do I Appeal a Ticket?

To set up an appeal, please go to website here,, search tickets and locate the ticket you want to dispute. Parking Tickets cannot be dismissed through the phone, in our offices or through email.

What is the time between booting and towing a vehicle?

The BPA can use boots and tow vehicles parked on City Streets, inside BPA owned and operated garages, or on BPA run surface lots. Once a vehicle is booted, the owner typically has 7 days to resolve unpaid tickets or the vehicle will be towed. Certain circumstances will allow for a vehicle to be towed before 7 days.

Residential Permit Parking

How can I obtain a residential permit?

You must live in a two-hour Residential Permit Parking (RPP) street and provide us with a copy of your PA driver’s license, vehicle registration, and current insurance card listing the address in the RPP zone.

What is the cost for an RPP permit?

The initial cost for the permit is $20 and renewals are $10 if renewed within the month it expires.

What happens if I have company over to visit?

You will have 14 days out of the calendar year for temporary/visitor passes.

Does the visitor pass cost anything?

No. There is no fee for the visitor pass.

What information do I need to obtain a visitor pass for my guest?

Log into your customer portal here,

Is there a limit as to how many passes I can get at a time?

Yes. The limit for visitor passes issued at one time is two.

What about if I’m out of state and recently moved?

Daily passes may be purchased online by clicking this link

What happens if I buy another car?

Please email the office with your driver’s license, vehicle registration and insurance card for the new vehicle and we will transfer your existing permit to the new vehicle at no charge. If you purchase an additional vehicle, you may buy an additional permit through the portal

Is there an additional fee for a replacement?

No. There is no fee for a replacement if you still have an active permit and have no outstanding parking tickets.

Do I need to pay off all my tickets to purchase a permit?

Yes. Per the City of Bethlehem Ordinances, all tickets in our office need to be satisfied and if any citations are at the District Court, they would need to be in good standings.

Will I be able to get a permit for a company vehicle that I need to bring home due to work?

Yes. We will need a letter in company letterhead stating your name, address, vehicle information and the reason why you need to bring the vehicle home. The letter needs to be signed and dated with a contact name and phone number. Only one company vehicle is permitted per household.

Can I get a permit if I do not own the car and it is my only form of transportation?

Yes. You will need to complete a form and have it signed by the registered owner and notarized stating it is your only form of transportation and have no other RPP permit issued to you. Bring the notarized form along with vehicle registration, vehicle insurance card and your driver’s license. Your license needs to reflect the address in the RPP zone.

I’m living in Bethlehem temporarily for work and maintain a permanent address elsewhere can I get a permit without changing my address?

Permits may be issued to persons living upon a residential street in the Residential Permit Parking Zone provided such persons are employed on a full-time basis within the City of Bethlehem and such persons maintain permanent residence outside the City of Bethlehem. The person requesting such permit must provide proof of full-time employment within the City of Bethlehem. Further, such person shall produce an additional form of identification verifying the address at which they are residing within the city limits of Bethlehem (lease).

How do I know when my zone expires?

All of our 2 hr. signs have the zone and the expiration month and day the zone expires. Your online portal will also send you an email notification. Portal will only send notifications if you create an account.

Is there a grace period to renew after my permit has expired?

No, unfortunately, if you allow your permit to expire, you will need to purchase a new permit.

Is Residential Permit parking (RPP) enforced every day?

Yes. RPP zones are enforced Mon-Sat, excluding holidays unless otherwise posted. Modifications to those days as well as specific hours of enforcement are posted on signs located on RPP street.

Expect enforcement during all the RPP hours. While it is unrealistic to expect residential permit parking enforcement to occur every two hours on every block, enforcement will occur consistently, at random intervals, per the city ordinance.

How is the two-hour grace period for parking without a permit enforced?

Per Parking Ordinance 531.09 Zone Overtime – Vehicles parked in these posted zones –

If you have a permit to park in these marked zones, there are no restrictions other than street cleaning dates, so please watch for posted signage and review the City of Bethlehem’s Street Cleaning page on their website,

If a vehicle does not have a permit and parks in these zones, there are restrictions:

• The vehicle can only be in the zone for a maximum of 2 hrs.
• 2 Hrs. on the block- 2 hrs. off the block.
• After 2 hrs. the vehicle must leave the block for 2 hrs.
• Moving the vehicle from one side of the street to the other in the same block, is not valid.
• Moving the vehicle to any other location in the same block, is not valid.

Persons with a Disability Parking

What’s the first step in applying?

The applicant is required to have their vehicle registered with a Persons with Disability or Disabled Veterans license plate.

Where can I find the application to apply for the license plate?

The MV-145 Form: – can be printed from PennDOT’s website or can be picked up at most notaries.

Can I return the completed application before I get the plate?

No. Applications will not be accepted unless the vehicle is registered to the address where the disabled person resides.

Where can I find the application?

The Persons with Disability application can be emailed to you. Please reach out to

Is there any cost to have a sign?

Yes. Once the application for the sign is approved, you will receive an invoice for administration and installation fees of $100. Once payment has been received, a work order will be sent to our maintenance department for posting.

Are there additional fees after I pay the $100?

Yes. A short questionnaire will be mailed out to you yearly along with an invoice for $20. Copies of your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and current insurance card will also be needed for your yearly renewal of the sign.

Can I apply even if I have a garage or driveway?

The applicant cannot have off-street parking. If off-street parking, i.e. driveway, garage, or parking pad, is present at the site and accessible to the applicant, reserved parking will not be approved.

Can another vehicle park in the Persons with Disability space if my vehicle is not in it?

No. Only the permitted vehicle is permitted to park in the space.

How are the signs assigned?

Each sign will have a permit number that corresponds with the number that is issued to you. The permit is connected to your license plate number.

Can I appeal the decision if my application is denied?

Yes. You may appeal your decision in writing within 15 days from the date of the denial. Appeals will be scheduled with the Persons with a Disability Parking Review Committee, which will render a final decision.

On-Street Parking

Where are the on-street meters?

On-street meters are located throughout the Downtown districts on both the North and Southside of Bethlehem. On-street meter parking is perfect for short-term parking sessions. If you plan staying longer, we encourage parking in a garage or parking lot.

Please check out our interactive map here,

When are on-street meters enforced?

Enforcement times are Monday – Saturday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. excluding Holidays.

How do the Parking Enforcement Officers know I paid a meter? Or Pay station?

Parking enforcement officers use a handheld device to look up meter payment information. Single space meters with coin or credit card payments will show how much time is paid on the meter head which is then referenced by the enforcement officers.

What are the rates for meter parking?

Bethlehem has a two-tier parking meter rate system. The Rapidpark Zone is $2.50 per hour and the Flexpark Zone is $1.50 per hour. The below link provides more information and a map for the zones. If you plan on a longer stay in Bethlehem, we encourage parking in a BPA garage or parking lot.

Garage and lot locations can be found here,

How can I pay for on-street meter parking?

1. The ParkMobile App
2. The PayByPhone App
3. Credit / debit cards in the meter.
4. Coins. PayStations will only take quarters. Meters will take nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Can I use a parking app to pay for parking?

Yes, download the Park Mobile app on your apple or android phone.

Click here for more details.

Garage Parking

Where are parking garages and when are they open?

BPA owns or manages several garages to offer convenient parking options for the community.

Garage locations can be found by clicking the link here,

What are the rates for garage parking?

Garage rates are $1.50 per hour with a $12 daily max. Parking is free on Sundays and Holidays except during Special Events. Garage rates are less expensive than on-street rates so if you plan to park for longer, our garages are ideal.

How can I pay for garage parking?

We offer several convenient ways to pay for your parking stay, they include,
1. Scan to Pay – Follow the signage in the garage.
2. Text to Pay – Follow the Instructions on your Ticket.
3. Credit/Debit.
4. Credit / Debit at the Pay on Foot Machine.

Do you offer monthly garage permits?

Garages are $80 per month with a $20 non-refundable keycard fee. There are no refunds for unused days at the end of the month.

How do I Purchase a monthly parking pass for a Parking Garage?

Go to our website to locate the garage you want to park in and register for your permit here,

Can I get one pass to access multiple garages?

No. You can only have one pass per garage. You may purchase a second pass for a different garage or you can pay for hourly parking if you need to go into a different garage.

As a pass holder, what credentials can I use to enter and exit?

At the entry and exit lanes, permit holders can use, License Plate Readers (Polk St, New St, and North St) a proxy card, type their cell phone number on the touch screens, and use the Flash Parking mobile app to access through barcode or Bluetooth.

Are the garages cleaned often?

Yes, our Maintenance Team cleans and sweeps all of the garage surfaces daily. The Team also power washes and scrubs the surfaces on a bi-weekly/monthly schedule as the weather allows.

How can I submit Maintenance issues on any of the BPA facilities?

Please email us at

Parking Lots

Where are Parking Lots and when are they open?

BPA owns or manages several parking lots to offer convenient parking options for the community. Garage locations can be found by clicking the link here,

What are the rates for Parking Lots?

We have different rates for our lots. Please visit for more info.

Do you offer monthly parking lot permits?

Yes, see our website here to search for the available Parking Lots.

Street Cleaning

What is street cleaning and why do I have to move my vehicle?

The City’s street cleaning program removes dirt and debris from City streets to provide a healthy, safe, and attractive environment for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection permit and some federal requirements for operating a combined sewer system mandate street sweeping to protect water quality. Regular removal of leaves and debris by City street sweepers is necessary to prevent storm drains from clogging, which can result in localized street flooding. Street cleaning protects water quality by removing trash and litter annually that would otherwise end up in local streams and add more burden on the sewer system.

Street cleaning begins on April 1st and ends on October 31st each year. All Street Cleaning Restrictions will be enforced in all parking areas, including Loading Zones and Residential Parking Zones.

Look for nearby street signs that list the time of street cleaning (typically a two hours restriction on the designated day). You must move your vehicle during that time. BPA parking enforcement officers work in conjunction with the street sweeper and ticket any vehicles in the way of the street sweeper.

Meter Bag and No Parking Sign Rentals

How do I legally reserve on-street parking spaces at my place if I’m moving or having work done?

The BPA offers “No Parking” sign rentals. The cost is $10/day. Customers can order online at

*Signs postings require 2 business days’ notice prior to the posting date.

What can I do if I need on-street spaces reserved but there are parking meters?

Meters can be bagged in front of a business. Customers can order online at The cost of bagging a meter is $25/day per meter.

*Meter bags require 2 business days’ notice prior to the posting date.

Do you have questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions